It really doesn’t cost much to make a huge difference to how your business is perceived. Jodie’s ski school is a perfect example.
Photography by Anthony Edge

I first met Jodie through friends who water skied. When I was invitied to join them at Ski School I was initially excited, but when I looked up the website my expectations dropped straight away.

Jodie is an Australian champion and the current Australian Junior’s Coach. There’s no doubt that she can coach her water sports, nor that her facility is top knotch – but one look at her website put all that in cyber-doubt.

In only a couple of days worth of man hours, Jodie now has a site she can be proud of. No more apprehension in the minds of her international or local students!

Jodie has been kind enough to write about her experience dealing with Anthony Edge Graphic Design Services here.

Visit Jodie Skipper's Ski School online here:

Websites | Jodie Skipper's Ski School